The Range Rules and Member Code of Conduct provide for a safe and friendly environment for members, guests and day pass shooters. All participants are expected to read, be familiar with, and abide by the Range Rules and the Member Code of Conduct. Enforcement and adherence to these rules is the duty and responsibility of all participants. The range rules and code of conduct applies to all participants (members, guests, and day pass shooters).

- Eye protection must be worn when entering the shooting area
- Ear protection must be worn when discharging a firearm or when in close proximity of someone discharging a firearm
- Only shotguns with a barrel length of 26 inches or more and exhibiting shoulder stocks are permitted. Shoulder straps/slings are not allowed
- No rifles or handguns allowed
- The largest shot size that can be used is 7½. Only size 8 or 9 may be used at our skeet ranges (No slug or buckshot ammunition allowed)
- All shotguns can only be loaded on the firing line
- Semi-automatic and pump action shotguns must have their action open at all times when not on the firing line
- Break action shotguns must be broken open at all times when not on the firing line except when placed on the shotgun rack with the barrel pointing upwards
- Only club members and holders of valid Day Passes shall be permitted to discharge shotguns on the firing line
- Everyone on the club property shall promptly obey any instructions given by a Range Officer or Club Director
- Failure to obey the range rules will result in eviction from the club's property and loss of membership privileges
Everyone entering the Vancouver Gun Club property acknowledge that shotgun sports are an inherently dangerous activity; each person entering the property accepts the risk of possible injury and releases the Vancouver Gun Club, it's Directors and Officers and each and every member from liability whatsoever on behalf of such person, their successors and assigns
- Pointing an unloaded firearm at another person with the action open
- Failure to wear eye or ear protection while in the shooting area or walking through the sporting clays area
- Failure to wear ear protection when discharging a firearm
- Placing the trigger finger inside the trigger guard when holding or mounting the firearm
Verbal Warning.
- Pointing an unloaded firearm with the action closed at self or another person
- Accidental discharge caused by failure to keep the trigger finger outside the trigger guard while holding or mounting the firearm
- Refusing to follow instructions given by the Range Officer or VGC staff
- Repeating a minor safety violation after receiving a warning
Immediate suspension of shooting privileges for the day.
- Pointing a loaded firearm at self or another person
- Loading a firearm when not on the firing line or shooting station
- Discharging a firearm which led to the injuries of self or others
- Discharging a rifle or handgun on premises
- Discharging non-approved ammunition on premises (slugs, buckshot, shot size larger than 7 ½, handgun/rifle ammunition, etc)
- Handling a firearm on premises while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
- Allowing persons without a PAL to handle loaded firearm without supervision
Immediate removal from premises and suspension of shooting privileges. The Range Safety Committee will determine whether revocation of membership and/or permanent ban is necessary. Details of person who committed a Level III safety violation may also be forwarded to the Chief Firearms Officer to raise a public safety concern.

Code of Conduct
- All participants shall conduct themselves in accordance with the range rules.
- All participants shall be considerate of others while present at the club, while shooting, when volunteering, or participating in club activities.
- All participants will refrain from the use of obnoxious, offensive or abusive language and behave in a civil manner with each other.
- All participants shall not willfully destroy VGC property, engage in verbal or physical attacks on others, or act inappropriately when approached by a Range Safety Officer for safety violations.
- The consumption of alcohol, cannabis, or any other impairing substance, regardless of its legal status, prior to, or while handling a firearm on club property is prohibited.
- Violations of the Vancouver Gun Club range rules and/or the Code of Conduct may result in any or all of the following:
- Verbal warning or coaching at the time of the infraction
- Written warning for the infraction
- Suspension of shooting privileges for a period of time to be determined by the VGC Board of Directors
- Revocation of membership to VGC
Written warnings, suspensions and revocations are matters that will be brought before the VGC Board of Directors at the monthly meeting. The subject will be notified of the time and place of the meeting and the subject may address the VGC Board on their own behalf. The decisions of the VGC Board of Directors regarding range rules, safety violations and the Code of Conduct are final.