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2025 Board of Directors

Dennis Zentner - President

I have been a member here at VGC since 1986 and on the board of directors for 4 yrs.  I shoot all disciplines, sporting clays being my preference.  An avid bird hunter, I also enjoy archery and I am looking forward to shooting here at the club when it is introduced as one of our new disciplines this spring. 

Don Greenwood - Treasurer 

I have been shooting at VGC for 10 yrs. Shooting mostly Sporting Clays and 5 Stand.  I am the Treasurer and have served for 2 terms on the Board of Directors.  I really enjoy the camaraderie at VGC and being part of its development. 

Jason Willis - Sporting Clays Director

I started out in clay shooting sports around 1985 and fell in love with trap shooting as it kept me in tune with my true passion “wing shooting”.  From there I moved along to skeet and would dabble with 5 Stand and Sporting Clays. In 2016, I was invited to a memorial Sporting Clays shoot and was hooked!  The sport of shooting has been a big part of my life and I have made a lot of good friends.  I always encourage people to try this addictive sport.  I can be reached at 

Kevin Bidewell - Director

I have been shooting at the club since 1984.  I started out shooting skeet but love to shoot all the disciplines, sporting clays being my favourite choice.  Since becoming a director about a year ago I am in charge of taking care of the grounds.  I am the current BC Provincial Champion in Sporting Clays and also won the 2021 Vancouver Island Sporting Clay Challenge. The Vancouver Gun Club’s motto is ‘Best Gun Club Ever’ and it’s true, come join us! 

  Marshall Wirawan - Director

I started shooting trap in 2009 at VGC and fell in love with the sport.  I have been on the board of directors since 2011 and am primarily involved in the administrative operations of the club. You will typically see me at the club on Wednesday nights shooting trap and during PITA competitions.  I am an active participant in competitive trap events.  

John Grayson - Skeet Director

Corey Higgs - Trap Director

Clayton Sedar - 5 Stand Director

Michael Morriss - Director

Trevor Jones - Director

Jerry Broten - Vice President

I joined the VGC in 1977 and over the years I have served as President, Vice President and have been in charge of the trap venue for 24 years of that time.  I do all the repairs on the trap machines and the setting of targets, mostly for trap. I supplied and installed all electrical boxes along the south side of the property and to the 5 Stand, etc.  I guess you could say I’m just a handyman.  Do it all.   I spend  a lot of time helping all venues  but now I am 79 and I think it is time to slow down. 

Colin Sedar - Director

I have been a member for 6 years and a director for 3.  I am a mechanic by trade and serve as the Head of Maintenance at VGC keeping all our machinery and trap machines in working order. You will most often see me riding around the club on my quad in the 5 Stand and Sporting Clays fields.  I am married with a wife and son that both shoot 5 Stand and Sporting Clays and a daughter who shoots archery.  

Mike Dobr - Director

I started shooting at the VGC in 2017.  I was immediately impressed with the size and quality of the individual venues the club offers and decided to join full time.  Shortly after that I started volunteering because I believe that having access to such a facility in the middle of a large city is something we all should appreciate and support.  My first discipline of choice was skeet, from there I moved to 5-stand and the last couple of years I have mostly been shooting and helping out at sporting clays.  This will be my 1st year on the board which I believe will provide me with additional opportunities to support the club. 

Joe Camele - International Trap Director

Jason Trefanenko - Director

As a Chartered Professional Accountant, I help businesses and not-for-profit organizations with financial strategy and growth. I’m the Managing Partner at McLaren Trefanenko Inc., providing accounting and advisory services across various industries.  I’ve been involved with the Vancouver Gun Club for years and am committed to its growth, including the new clubhouse project and enhancing the member experience. 

Director Assignments

Trap Director - Corey Higgs                  Skeet Director - John Grayson                   Sporting Clays Director - Jason Willis                                                                                                                                       

                                  5 Stand Director - Clayton Sedar                                   International Trap - Joe Camele

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